Thursday, December 2, 2021

December 2, 2021 Weekly Parent Newsletter


Parent Newsletter

All Saints Academy, St. Cloud Campus

December 2, 2021

No School Tomorrow, Friday, December 3rd due to Teacher Inservice.

New News!

Christmas Program

The Christmas program will be held December 16 th . There will be a dress rehearsal in the afternoon and the performance in the evening. Students will remain cohorted with their class, audience attendance will be limited and masks will be encouraged. Each household will receive 3 tickets for the afternoon rehearsal and 3 tickets for the evening performance. Anyone without a ticket will not be allowed into the church. Student exposure will be no more than what exposure happens at a regular school day. Details and logistics are still being developed and will be given out next Thursday along with the household tickets.

Keep Your Children Home if Sick

I am asking all parents and guardians to help keep this virus in check so we do not have to go to distance learning for an extended time.

What you can do to help:

1. Keep your child home if he/she is sick even if you think it is just the common cold. COVID often manifests like the common cold.

2. Have your child tested if he/she is showing symptoms or if there is suspected exposure to COVID.

3. Socially distance as best you can.

4. If possible, wear a mask.

It is important that children stay in school, and we lessen the burden on our healthcare system so please do what you can to help.

This truly is a community effort to keep our kids healthy and in-person at school.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Advent Projects

In conjunction with St. Paul’s Together As One Social Justice Committee, we are creating Christmas bags for residents in local shelters. They are looking for donations of the following:

Hand & Foot Warmers

Lip Balm

Granola bars or other non-perishable snacks. (No homemade goods.)

WordFind books or Sudoku puzzles

Playing cards

Christmas card with a message inside.

Parking in Front of the School Building

ASA tries to be a good neighbor to the homeowners in the neighborhood and follow the rules of safety. There are several “No Parking” signs on the school side of the street. Immediately in front of the school, the school side of the street is reserved for bus loading and unloading of students during the school day, 7:30 am – 4:00 pm. Please do not park between the No Parking signs. In the morning, students can be dropped off in front of the church building or further south on 11 th Ave N.

Preschool Pick Up - Please remember when parking, your car cannot block driveways. Blocking any part of a private driveway will result in citations from St. Cloud parking police. During preschool drop off & pick up, do not block private driveways in the neighborhood. The school has fielded several complaints from homeowners.

The following information is from St. Cloud Parking Information & Enforcement.

Parking on Public Streets

Improper parking on public streets can lead to a citation. City ordinances prohibit stopping, standing and/or parking a vehicle in the following places:

o On a sidewalk.

o Within an intersection.

o In front of a public or private driveway including parking to encroach upon the radius of the driveway.

o Within 10 feet of a fire hydrant.

o On a crosswalk.

o Within 20 feet of a crosswalk.

o In front of or in any alley.

o Within 30 feet of a stop sign.

Please help us be good neighbors and continue to follow all of the safety rules

PAA Basketball

Basketball season is around the corner. If any 5 th or 6 th graders haven’t already signed up for basketball, please make sure to do so. The form is available on School Speak under PAA or stop in the office. Cost is $35/sport. If you have previously signed up and paid for basketball, nothing is required at this time.


Drop Off Reminders

When dropping off or picking up in front, please park on the opposite side of the road. The front of the school is reserved for bus drop off and pick up.

PreK – 6th – Students may begin arriving at school beginning at 7:30 am. Back doors (Door #4) and front doors (Door #2) will have staff. School begins at 7:50 A.M . Students must be in the building by 7:50 A.M. If they arrive later than 7:50 am, they will be marked tardy. Please remind your child to sign in at the office so that we can have accurate attendance records and lunch counts.

Please have your child bring the following items to school everyday:

· Refillable water bottle

· Shoes for gym class

· Several cloth masks if your child wears a mask during the day

All of these items help us make the school day be a smoother day for your child.

Please keep your child home if he/she has a fever of 100.4 degrees or higher, has vomited or had diarrhea in the last 24 hours. Please watch for additional symptoms (shortness of breath, sore throat, chills, loss of taste or smell, body aches, nausea/vomiting/diarrhea, congestion, fatigue, headache.) Please refer to the Parent Handbook on School Speak regarding Illness, Injuries and Accidents . In addition, ASA has posted several Covid resources on School Speak. If your child will be absent, please contact the office to report them absent.

Student Absences or Late Students

Please call the office to report your child’s absence before 8 am . Also, transportation changes for your child should be made by calling the office before 10 am. It is difficult for us to make changes to the routine after 10 am and teachers do not have time to check email messages to make those changes throughout the day. If your child unexpectedly needs to attend FunZone, please call the office by 10 am.

Strings Program & Band Program

ASA would like to invite your child to consider playing a stringed instrument (grades 3-6) or a band instrument (grades 4-6.) ASA offers lessons at your child's school during the regular school day along with large group rehearsals and concerts. Please contact the office or Amanda Steichen for Strings, ( ) or Sean Jacobson for Band, ( .)

What is School Speak?

School Speak is an online school management system. It is a secure portal that allows us to provide more information, communicate with parents and offer useful tools for everyone who is a member of our school community.

If you are new to All Saints Academy or have never logged onto School Speak, please call the office for an introductory email. The welcome email was sent to new parents earlier in July. Due to security issues, the email will only stay in your inbox for a few days. If you need the email resent, please call the office at 251-5295.

Individuals who have used School Speak in the past will not get an email. The username & password you had last year is still the same.

We would like all parents to login and update their profile by Sept. 15th.

Save the Date!

The All Saints Academy Extravaganza will be on January 29, 2022 ! Please mark your calendars for this exciting community event. Deuces Wild is back! Also, if you’d like to join the planning committee, please contact the office.

2021-2022 Playground Supervision Program

Our goal is to have one volunteer parent to act as crossing guard on the playground every day to assist the school staff during the entire recess period. Recess will be 10:25 am – 12:25 pm.

Please contact the office to sign up for Playground Supervision. We need one parent (All-day Preschool - 6) everyday to assist the school staff during the entire recess/lunch period. There is a calendar in the office for your convenience or you can call Mrs. Bristow to sign up

All families need to volunteer for recess supervision 2-3 times this year for the safety of the children. (Parents of half-day preschoolers are not required to volunteer as their children do not participate in lunch recess time.) If you find your schedule doesn’t allow you to volunteer for Recess Duty, you may opt out by paying $50. (Separate charge from Volunteer Requirement. Recess hours are applied to the 15-hours/year of volunteering.) These funds are used to defray the cost of additional paid recess staff. At the end of the school year, families will be charged $50 if they haven’t volunteered for recess.

ASA Parent Activity Committee (PAC) Corner

Hello ASA parents! Let's get to know each other! We encourage all interested parents to join PAC – especially if you are new to the community. It’s a GREAT way to meet other ASA families and get connected, and it’s a lot of fun, too!

PAC meets on the first Wednesday of every month at 6:30 PM at school. We will NOT be having a meeting in December. Our next meeting will be held January 5th.


· Join the ASA PAC Facebook Group!

Questions? Email us at .

Aubrey Brown, ASA PAC Co-President

Nicole Cox, ASA PAC Co-President

Karin Loch, ASA PAC Vice President

Lindsay Kephart, ASA PAC Treasurer

Katie Schad, ASA PAC Secretary


What is PAC?

PAC is made up of ASA parents, and it is an integral part of the ASA community. Our mission is to facilitate and support the development of a Christ-centered environment through connections between home and school. Our vision is to support the growth and development of our youth through fundraisers, volunteerism, and family activities. We also facilitate staff appreciation efforts, parent development opportunities and activities inside and outside of the classroom for our children.


We encourage parents/guardians to sign up for REMIND - a safe, free and easy way we can communicate with parents instantly through texting.

To sign up, text ASA Administrative Assistant Mrs. Marissa Bristow at 612-260-4578 and in the message enter @ef392 .

It is that easy. You will be added to the parent list . If you have signed up in the past, it is not necessary to sign up again.

Thank you for helping to keep our school safe for all of our students.

Playground Duty – Week of Dec. 6 – Dec. 17 ; 10:25 – 12:25

Almost all January 2022 dates are available for sign up!

12/6 Makarall

12/7 Kiffmeyer

12/8 Need one volunteer

12/9 Kayser

12/10 Scanlon

12/13 Need one volunteer

12/14 Poepke

12/15 Need one volunteer

12/16 Kayser

12/17 Scanlon

Keep Collecting!

It all adds up! Continue to save the following labels:

Country Hearth and Village Hearth Products (UPCs)

Pop and can tabs

Old cell phones


St. Cloud Area Youth Basketball is accepting registrations from Kindergarten – 6 th grade. The In-House basketball program is for boys & girls who wish to work on developing and improving fundamental skills while having fun! Sessions begin Jan. 8, 2022. For more information, please refer to the flyer attached to the email or to the School Speak version of this newsletter.

Please remember that we are a Nut-Safe building . All snacks and lunches need to be peanut-free and nut-free. There is a safe-snack list on School Speak under Announcements. NOTE: Since ingredients change this list may be updated from time to time – we ask that parents check this list before purchasing snacks throughout the year.

Did you know? Childhood allergic reactions are most likely to happen at school and 50% of reactions were previously unknown to the parents or child.

Parents, it is not too late to send in applications for free and/or reduced hot lunches . You can pick up an application at the office. If you have questions regarding this program, please contact Mrs. Bristow at 251-5295 or

Upcoming Dates

Dec. 3: No School for students, teacher inservice

Dec. 8: Immaculate Conception

Dec. 16: Christmas Program

Dec. 22 - 31: Christmas Vacation, no school for students or staff

Jan. 3: School in session

Jan. 17: Martin Luther Kng Day, No School for Students and Staff

Jan. 18: CCS Inservice Day, No School for Students

Jan. 29: Extravaganza

Jan. 30 – Feb. 6: Catholic Schools Week

Our Mission

… is to deliver an academically excellent, Catholic education that develops the whole person and inspires a Christ-centered life in a global community.

Our Vision

All Saints Academy creates and nurtures an environment which supports

students, educators and community in realizing their God given gifts, reaching their full potential and developing their life-long relationship with Christ.

This parent weekly update is published each Thursday school is in session. Anyone with questions, comments or articles they wish to be considered for inclusion should send an email to Marissa Bristow at no later than Monday, 3 PM for that week’s update or drop it off at school.

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